This great man, more than any other, fostered my love for words and a respect for the art and precision in how to connect them.

Ed taught the first class I ever had at USC. Journalism 101, news writing. Lou Grant brought to life. Crusty on the outside, warm and wonderful on the inside. My small town, insecure self was in awe of him and slightly terrified. That feeling only intensified when my first assignment was returned with a B. I thought it was my best work. Like all the greats, he eventually coaxed and guided each of us to a mountaintop in us only he could see. My favorite moment at USC came when I introduced Ed to my parents on Graduation Day. His stamp of approval meant more to me than any diploma.

There are people in your life who stay with you, always, for the sheer impact of their care and love. Ed was that for me. I am sure he would edit the sh*t out of this. RIP, Ed Cray. My teacher, my friend.