
By my rough estimate, I sweated through some 720 shirts during a decade of summers while commuting daily on London’s Underground. Every July, at peak discomfort, the tabloids would report breathlessly that it was illegal to transport British livestock under the same...

Time For a Reset?

Time for a Reset? I enjoy lamb shank as much as the next guy, I guess. However, that morning a few weeks ago when lamb shank was the only item on my local supermarket’s shelves, well, that was my personal moment. No chicken. No burgers, no pork chops, not even “a nice...

Start With Ikigai

If you’re familiar with Simon Sinek’s work and have spent any time on this website, you’ll know I’m a big fan. He believes that an organization’s purpose, its “Why” is the starting point. Every business plan, every job, every person, every single product, every value,...

My Dad

Donald Miller Higgins (Editor’s note: Maybe it’s a little odd to post the eulogy I gave for my Dad last week. But if you’re visiting this site and trying to understand what I’m all about, you should meet my father. Besides, it’s...